Share Hosting

  • Single

    Order Now

      • 1 Websites

      • Standard Performance

      • 10 GB SSD Storage

      • Weekly Backups

      • Free Email

      • Unlimited Free SSL

      • Unlimited Bandwidth

      • Managed WordPress

      • Starter WooCommerce

      • Free Automatic Website Migration

      • Free 1-click WordPress Installation

      • Free Pre-built Templates

      • WordPress Acceleration (LiteSpeed)

      • WordPress Auto Updates

      • WordPress Vulnerabilities Scanner

      • WordPress Compatibility Checker

      • WordPress Multisite

      • WP-CLI and SSH

      • Security

      • Standard DDoS Protection

      • Web Application Firewall

      • Cloudflare Protected Nameservers

      • Malware Scanner

      • Secure Access Manager

      • Service and Support

      • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

      • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee

      • Global Data Centres

      • 24/7 Customer Support

      • Technical Details

      • 400 000 Files and Directories (inodes)

      • 40 PHP Workers

      • ~25 000 Visits Monthly

      • 100 Subdomains

      • 50 MySQL Max User Connections

      • Unlimited Databases

      • Unlimited FTP Accounts

      • Unlimited Cronjobs

      • GIT Access

      • Multiple PHP Versions

      • DNS Management

      • Cache Manager

      • Powerful Control Panel

      • SSH Access

  • Premium

    Order Now

      • 10 Websites

      • Standard Performance

      • 20 GB SSD Storage

      • Weekly Backups

      • Free Email

      • Unlimited Free SSL

      • Unlimited Bandwidth

      • Managed WordPress

      • Starter WooCommerce

      • Free Automatic Website Migration

      • Free 1-click WordPress Installation

      • Free Pre-built Templates

      • WordPress Acceleration (LiteSpeed)

      • WordPress Auto Updates

      • WordPress Vulnerabilities Scanner

      • WordPress Compatibility Checker

      • WordPress Multisite

      • WP-CLI and SSH

      • Security

      • Standard DDoS Protection

      • Web Application Firewall

      • Cloudflare Protected Nameservers

      • Malware Scanner

      • Secure Access Manager

      • Service and Support

      • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

      • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee

      • Global Data Centres

      • 24/7 Customer Support

      • Technical Details

      • 400 000 Files and Directories (inodes)

      • 40 PHP Workers

      • ~25 000 Visits Monthly

      • 100 Subdomains

      • 50 MySQL Max User Connections

      • Unlimited Databases

      • Unlimited FTP Accounts

      • Unlimited Cronjobs

      • GIT Access

      • Multiple PHP Versions

      • DNS Management

      • Cache Manager

      • Powerful Control Panel

      • SSH Access

  • Business

    Order Now

      • 50 Websites

      • Standard Performance

      • 100 GB SSD Storage

      • Weekly Backups

      • Free Email

      • Unlimited Free SSL

      • Unlimited Bandwidth

      • Managed WordPress

      • Starter WooCommerce

      • Free Automatic Website Migration

      • Free 1-click WordPress Installation

      • Free Pre-built Templates

      • WordPress Acceleration (LiteSpeed)

      • WordPress Auto Updates

      • WordPress Vulnerabilities Scanner

      • WordPress Compatibility Checker

      • WordPress Multisite

      • WP-CLI and SSH

      • Security

      • Standard DDoS Protection

      • Web Application Firewall

      • Cloudflare Protected Nameservers

      • Malware Scanner

      • Secure Access Manager

      • Service and Support

      • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

      • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee

      • Global Data Centres

      • 24/7 Customer Support

      • Technical Details

      • 400 000 Files and Directories (inodes)

      • 40 PHP Workers

      • ~25 000 Visits Monthly

      • 100 Subdomains

      • 50 MySQL Max User Connections

      • Unlimited Databases

      • Unlimited FTP Accounts

      • Unlimited Cronjobs

      • GIT Access

      • Multiple PHP Versions

      • DNS Management

      • Cache Manager

      • Powerful Control Panel

      • SSH Access